5 things that will help you complete your Creation application

Getting ready to apply for a creation grant? 5 things that will help you in the process.

Nathalie Rayne, Director of Marketing, Communications and Translation

In light of our upcoming Creation deadline (April 1st), I wanted to put together a list of resources you can use when preparing your application. Whether you’re new to our programs or are a seasoned veteran, it’s always good to have extra help in the process!z

  1. The first and most important thing to do when you’re preparing an application for your next project is to take a close look at the program description. Make sure your project fits into the perimeters of the program you’re applying for. We have several programs available, so if your project doesn’t fit into one, it may fit in another.
  2. Take a look at our optimize your application section on the artsnb website. It will give you tips on how to fill out your application form, how to select your samples of work, and other helpful tidbits.
  3. Tips about budget: Our program officer, Joss Richer, put this tool together based on frequently asked questions about the budget section of the application form.  You will be shown how to fill out the budget in your application with step-by-step photos!
  4. Watch this short video with advice on writing a grant proposal. Throughout the year our program officers travel to communities to do workshops and now this video gives you all the same information delivered in those workshops only now you can enjoy it from the comfort of your own home. Pay close attention to the seven habits of successful grant writers!
  5. Call or email a program officer! Guess what? They want you to succeed! It’s part of their job description to help people put together the strongest grant application possible so don’t be afraid to give them a call and ask them any questions you may have about the application process. They have answers, and you have nothing to lose!

Finally, start your application early! If you run into problems you will always be able to call artsnb for advice or instruction.