Meet our summer intern, Alex Landine!

Meet our summer intern, Alex Landine!

My name is Alex Landine, and I will be working as Public Relations Officer at artsnb this summer! There are currently a lot of changes
happening here at the office, so the next few months are guaranteed to be both busy and exciting. As Public Relations Officer, my tasks include updating pages on, monitoring provincial media channels, creating posts for our social media platforms, preparing press releases, and translating documents to ensure we meet the needs of our bilingual audience. I am so excited to be working alongside artsnb’s fantastic administrative team!

I grew up here in Fredericton, New Brunswick, and I will be entering my fourth year of my BA at the University of New Brunswick this September. I plan to graduate with joint honours in History and Spanish, a unique combination that perfectly matches my passion for studying languages and the humanities. Outside of my classes I have a wide variety of artistic interests. In addition to being a self-taught photographer with special interest in portrait and fashion photography, I enjoy doing graphic design work for local theatre groups. I have also been involved onstage in various musical theatre productions for a number of years, and I am very excited to be part of Blind Faith Productions’ performance of Evita this summer. Ask anyone who knows me, and they’ll tell you that you can always find me singing!

As someone whose academic career and personal life have both been strongly shaped by the arts, I am thrilled to now have the opportunity to incorporate the arts into my professional life by joining the artsnb team. Here’s to a great summer!