“Outside the Box” Indigenous Visual Arts Workshop A Success!

By Mariah Sockabasin and Corrina Merasty-Gallant, Workshop Facilitators

Screen Printing with Christian Chapman
Screen Printing with Christian Chapman

We had a successful Indigenous Visual Arts & Fine Craft Workshop in St. Andrews this past month, hosted at the Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre. ‘Outside the Box’ was the first of a series of 6 workshops artsnb has been planning in conjunction with the Department of Post-Secondary Education Training & Labour.

In this workshop, artists had the chance to explore new mediums in a culturally aware environment, while learning from fellow Indigenous artists who are masters in their craft. We welcomed Christian Chapman to Passamaquoddy territory; he

Metalworking: Before and after
Metalworking with Shane Perley-Dutcher: Before and after

brought his teachings of Screen-printing. Everyone had the opportunity to learn a method easy to duplicate at home so they can continue with their work. Local Silversmith Shane Perley-Dutcher taught artists how to make their own pendants and learn about techniques used in metalwork. They got to work with the tools of the trade and create and produce their own wearable designs.

We are really looking forward to our next workshop, Hunters Moon’: Indigenous Literary Arts & Storytelling; it will be hosted at the Riverside Resort & Conference Centre on October 13th – 15th, just outside Kingsclear First Nation, in upper Kingsclear, N.B. Keep an eye on what’s coming next!


Outside the Box Participants!
Outside the Box Participants!