Reflection on “Hunter’s Moon” Indigenous Literary Arts Workshop

By Louis Grant, workshop participant

Opening Ceremony at Riverside Resort
Opening Ceremony at Riverside Resort

Last Thursday, I was told by my grandmother about a writer’s workshop being held at the Riverside Resort. When she mentioned it, the writer inside me instantly wanted to go. I told her that I’d love to go, seeing as I’ve never been to a writers workshop before and thought it would be fun. It was amazing, there were many nice people and talented writers. When we got there we talked about the different types of writings and poetry but my favorite part was the writing of stories and because of this workshop I’m now continuing to write my short stories and taking my writing to a whole new level, I’ll put it this way I learned more at this workshop than any English class I’ve been in. If there were more of these I’d most certainly go without a doubt.

"Hunter's Moon" Participants
“Hunter’s Moon” Participants