Author: Audrée Hamelin-St-Amour


Tuesday September 21, 2021

In this issue of artsnb September 2021 newsletter you will find: artsnb’s decision to honour the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation; Details about the next deadlines coming up at artsnb; Accessibility and equity programs at artsnb; News from our strategic partners: a series of key messages to put forward to make the voice and

In close collaboration with our Indigenous partners over many years, we at artsnb have supported the growth of Indigenous art practice in New Brunswick through various programs, projects, and structures. After careful consideration among board and staff members, and in consultation with members of the Circle of Elders, artsnb has agreed to observe the National

A transformational year

Tuesday August 17, 2021

An interview with Katrina Slade Featured Artist Series – Katrina Slade Katrina Slade is a multidisciplinary artist who lives and practices in Fredericton, NB. Like many artists, the pandemic has deeply influenced her arts practice. Over the last year and a half, she has navigated the uncertainties of the pandemic to discover the unlimited potential


Tuesday July 20, 2021

In this issue of artsnb July 2021 newsletter you will find: Details about the next deadlines coming up at artsnb and 3 important program updates; artsnb Featured Artist Series with graphic novelist Patrick Allaby; News from our strategic partners: Report on the Status of the artist, the AAAPNB is looking for a graphic designer, and

July 14, 2021 (Fredericton) – The New Brunswick Arts Board (artsnb) is pleased to announce 3 program updates: An update pertaining to the start of projects following application submission to some of artsnb programs; An additional program deadline to the Equinox Program for Indigenous artists and; An extended application period for the Access Support Program.

Written by Patrick Allaby FEATURED ARTIST SERIES – PATRICK ALLABY I received two Career Development grants to pursue an MFA at the University of Waterloo. During my degree, I was interested in developing comic works that are meant to be performed. One thing that interested me about performing comics is the way in which a

artsnb is thrilled to announce that the report of the Premier’s Task Force on the Status of the Artist has been released! Seven years in the making, the report is the culmination of a close collaboration involving professional artists, arts organizations and several provincial government departments. The 24 recommendations included in the report aim to

You have been wondering when the artists from the 2021 Fresh AIR Program will be at the park you are planning to visit this summer? Find all the details here: Who will be where and when you will be able to stop by for a visit!  Mactaquac Provincial Park: Angela Beek (visual arts), June 23


Wednesday June 16, 2021

In this issue of artsnb June 2021 newsletter you will find: Details about the next deadlines coming up at artsnb; artsnb Featured Artist Series: a great way to provide insight into the context in which artsnb grant programs can be used; Call for artists for the Featured Artist Series on artsnb blog; News from our

We are thrilled to share the following opportunity with organizations and individuals that care deeply about the arts and culture in our province, and who wish to see its diversity reflected in the programs, initiatives and structures of the New Brunswick Arts Board (artsnb). The provincial government is seeking to fill one (1) vacancy on