Setting up an account to apply online for a grant

Online Shift – Part 1

Setting up an account to apply online for a grant

by Joss Richer, Program Officer

(This blog post is part of a series of tutorials to familiarize you with our new—and evolving—online application system.)

Did you know that since December 2014, you can apply online for a grant? We hope to have all our programs converted to the online application system early in 2016; but for now, you can only apply online for Career Development grant.

We’ll show you the first few steps in this process, which is to create an account. (if you don’t want to jump back and forth between browser windows, you might want to print this page for easy reference.)

  1. If you can read this blog entry, chances are that you’re already on the artsnb website—if not, go to ‘‘.
  1. Click on ‘PROGRAMS’ at the top of the page:bullet_02_en
  2. Then click on ‘Career Development’:bullet_03_en
  3. Scroll down the page and click on the link that starts with ‘NEW – You can now apply…’:bullet_04_en
  4. This will take you to the login page, which should look as follows. To create an account, you need to click on—you guessed it—’Create an account’:bullet_05_en
  5. Make sure to enter all the required information (marked with red asterisks – *)…bullet_06_en
  6. … don’t forget to click on ‘Register’ at the bottom of the page to complete the registration process—and REMEMBER YOUR PASSWORD!! (If you do forget your password, simply send us an email and we’ll reset it for you.)
  7. If you forget to provide anything essential on the registration page, a warning will let you know what’s missing:bullet_08_en
  8. That’s pretty much it! You are now ready to apply online. We’ll show you how to do this next.