Phil Comeau


Lieutenant Governor’s Awards for High Achievement in the Arts

2024 Visual Arts Award’s Laureate

Phil Comeau is a documentary and fiction filmmaker whose work has been screened at film festivals around the world, winning over 700 awards. He lives in Moncton, New Brunswick.

A key figure in Acadian cinema, Phil Comeau’s films bear witness to contemporary Acadie. Examining history, culture, and identity, his work is a remarkable fresco, tracing the resilience and emancipation of a people.

Renowned for his ability to tell compelling stories that resonate with audiences, Phil unearthscharacters that move while demonstrating a rare talent for simplifying complex historical events.

For his contribution to Acadian culture and cinema, Phil has received numerous honours including the Order of Canada and the Order of New Brunswick, and was promoted to the rank of Officier de l’Ordre des arts et des Lettres de la France in 2022. His independent film, Belle-Île en Acadie, has earned him a Guinness World Record for the most awards won by a documentary.