

Judie Acquin is a Wolastoqey multi-disciplinary artist, educator, and social activist. She uses her educational background in art and adult education with Wolastoqiyik traditional knowledge to teach about art, culture, knowledge, tradition, diversity, and pride.
Judie’s goal is to educate people of their traditions and culture, in order to give others, the opportunity to form positive views of their brothers, sisters and aboriginal culture.
Presently teaching at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design in the Aboriginal Visual Arts Program, Judie is in her element.


Hubert Francis hails from Elsipogtog Mig’Mag Indian Reserve. Eaglefeather, an internationally award winning rock group lead by Hubert Francis, has been around since 1990, setting itself apart by its unique sound combining traditional chants and contemporary rock. Hubert has also been a cast member of a production titled DRUM! for over 10 years. A musical production based out of Halifax N.S.,produced by Brookes Diamond, DRUM! tells through song and dance the story of the Acadians, Celts and Black cultures and the history of how they came to be in the Maritimes and how the Mig’Mag people have contributed to their survival on this land.


George was born on the Red Bank Indian Reservation along the Miramichi River in New Brunswick Canada. For the past 30 years, George has been involved with the Aboriginal Traditional Movement in reviving Mi’kmaq Songs, Chants and Ceremonies. George Paul is now very well known in the Atlantic Region, particularly in the field of Aboriginal Studies. He has been involved with the production of many documentaries. George is recognized for his outstanding public speaking abilities and has been appointed on several occasions to be a voice for his people on several aboriginal issues. He has collaborated with many schools, universities and government agencies in the development of Mi’kmaq Music, Language, Art and Dance.


Barb Nicholas is a multidisciplinary artist related to the frogs clan, living in Neqotkuk First Nation. Since her childhood, she has been developing her skills as a visual and performing artist. In her early adulthood, she started writing her own plays, helping friends in filmmaking, and organizing multidisciplinary artistic events in her community. She attended university to continue exploring various media and disciplines, and obtained a licence in carpentry. Barb worked in landscaping while continuing to explore her artistic voice writing poetry and short stories. She wrote theatre scripts called Treat-Ye, part 1 (past to now), and Treat-Ye, part 2 (now to future), whose production are in the making. More recently, Barb also tackled metalwork and jewellery making, and is currently helping her cousin create a copper pizsonwi busnud (medicine basket).


Phyllis Grant is a Mi’gmaq artist from Pabineau First Nation. Her works include animated films, poetry and music, as well as paintings and illustrations. She has exhibited er work nationally and internationally. Her film credits include, among many, Maq and the Spirit of the Woods with the NFB as director, writer and animator, and I Place You Into the Fire as illustrator. She is the founder of the Welneweg Arts Collective, and has served as juror for the Polaris Music Prize and the Prism Prize. Phylllis holds a Bachelor of Integrated Studies from UNB with a certificate in Leadership Studies.