
Artist In Residence

IMPORTANT NOTICE please note that applications that do not meet the criteria described in the new program guidelines risk disqualification. Please contact a member of our team well before the appropriate competition deadline if you have any questions or concerns.

The Artist in Residence Program is intended for individual artists to participate in residencies and New Brunswick public or private institutions and organizations to host professional artists, and enable them to pursue specific projects relating to their creative work. The artists in residence are also to contribute to the promotion and understanding of the arts by means of the artists’ contact with the clientele of the establishments. This program is divided into two components:

  • Artist in residence – Artists: to participate in residency opportunities in New Brunswick or abroad, or for residency opportunities in Quebec as per an agreement with the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, and;
  • Artist in Residence – Host Organizations: for not-for-profit, for-profit and institutions to host artists in residence.

What is an artist residency?

An artist residency offers artists a space and time outside of their regular environment to do one or a combination of the following: create or develop new or in-progress work; engage in mentorship or gain new skills; broaden the network and audience for their professional artistic practice; and/or community engagement.


Apply Online

Upcoming Deadlines

November 01, 2024
January 01, 2025
March 01, 2025
May 01, 2025
July 01, 2025