
Application Toolkit


artsnb funds projects in any discipline, genre, or style of art. Since most of our grant programs are project-based, this means you can apply for a variety of activities relating to your artistic practice. Here are some examples of the kinds of projects eligible under each of artsnb’s grant programs: 

Creation Funds the creation of new, original artwork to advance your artistic practice. 
Documentation Funds curation, documentary, art criticism, and art history projects. Priority is given to projects on New Brunswick artists. 
Arts Infrastructure Funds the purchase of specialized equipment to help kickstart your art practice (e.g. a computer, a kiln, a musical instrument, a camera), for emerging artists and newcomers to the country only.  
Equinox Funds a variety of creative and community-based projects by Indigenous artists, elders, and groups. 
Artist in Residence Funds projects by artists who have been invited to participate in an artist residency in New Brunswick or abroad, or for residency opportunities in Quebec as per an agreement with the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, OR funds projects by New Brunswick-based organizations to host specific artist(s) for a residency. 
Career Development —Arts by Invitation Funds travel and accommodation costs for artists who have been invited to present their work 150km or more from their home. 
Career Development —Professional Development Funds undertakings by artists to further training in their field, which can include formal studies, workshops, and mentorships. 
Career Development —Professionalization and promotion Funds projects by artists are developing tools to improve their portfolios and public presence (e.g. to create a website, to hire a videographer to film a performance, to hire a photographer to photograph visual art works). 
Arts Scholarships Offers scholarships to students who are undertaking training in their artistic field which can include formal studies, workshops, and mentorships. 

To ensure that the grant program you are considering is the right fit for you and your project, please carefully read the Program Guidelines, which offer detailed information about who can apply, the kinds of project that are eligible, and the kinds of expenses you can request in your proposed grant budget.  


All artsnb grant applications are submitted through our Online Application system, which you can access from anywhere on our website using the “Applicant Login” link at the top right of your screen.  

Before you can apply for a grant, you will need to create a profile on the system with your email and other information. artsnb staff will use this information to contact you about your application, to keep track of any grants you receive, and to prepare tax forms, if applicable.  

Once your profile is complete, you can start applying for grants right away! 


All artsnb grant programs have the same four basic requirements, with additional mandatory or optional elements that vary according to which program you are considering. We recommend that you begin preparing to apply early, as some of these documents can take time to gather or prepare! The four main requirements of an artsnb application are the following: 

Project Description 

  • a short description of what your project is, how you plan to execute it, and why this project is important to your practice  
  • maximum of 350 words for most programs, or maximum 500 words for Creation and Documentation 


  • provide a breakdown of how you propose to spend your requested grant amount 
  • ensure that all the expenses you are requesting are eligible expenses for the specific grant program you are considering; if your budget includes ineligible expenses, you can balance these out with additional funding sources beyond the artsnb grant 

Artist CV

  • a document demonstrating your activities and achievements related to your artistic practice 
  • this CV is different from a work resume; see the resources below for tips! 

Samples of Work 

  • up to 15 pages and/or images and/or minutes of audiovisual material demonstrating your skills as an artist 
  • you can upload your samples as files or enter links in the provided fields 
  • you can include any finished works or works-in-progress that are relevant to the proposed project, so long as these are your original works and not class assignments 

Additionally, most grant programs include optional sections which may or may not apply to your specific project. These are not required, but can help your application stand out to the peer jury. These include: 

  • Letters of Recommendation 
  • Critical Reviews, press Clippings, interviews, etc. 
  • Collaborator CVs and letters of agreement 

Some of artsnb’s grant programs require additional documents such as letters of invitation, transcripts, and other materials. You can find specific information about grant requirements in the program guidelines. Again, we recommend starting at least a few weeks before the deadline so you can be fully prepared! 

While you prepare your application documents, keep in mind that your application might be reviewed by a multidisciplinary peer jury that would include artists rworking in different disciplines than your own. Do not assume the jury is already familiar with your work! Jurors can only make their assessment based on what you provide in your application. 


If you have read through the program guidelines for your desired grant program and have questions about a particular requirement, eligibility detail, or whether this grant is the best fit for your project, you can contact an artsnb Program Officer. Our job as Program Officers is to ensure applications are complete and to administer the peer jury process; we are also artists ourselves—we want to help you succeed! 

The best way to get in touch with a Program Officer is to join an upcoming  Speed Consulting session, which is a casual drop-in we host on Zoom twice a month to allow applicants to ask their questions without the need to schedule a phone call with the Program Officers. Alternately, you can send specific questions by email at Please note that our response times are often slower in the weeks leading up to a program deadline. 

We also recommend consulting the Frequently Asked Questions page, which continues to be updated as our programs evolve. Additionally, you may learn some insight into the jurying process, and to relevant information pertaining to your grant application on the Feedback from the peer jury page where artsnb summarizes the jury feedback from each program deadline’s evaluation. 


Applicants facing disability-related barriers to the application process and Indigenous applicants facing cultural, language, or geographic barriers may be eligible for artsnb’s Application Assistance Program, which provides up to 200 $ for you to hire a grant writing advisor or assistant. If you require Application Assistance, please contact us 3-4 weeks before an application deadline so that we may process the request in time to issue the payment to your grant writing support person.